The world according to Chat GPT (BORUSSEN)

Sognando, nearest open pub, Dienstag, 07.02.2023, 23:56 ( vor 655 Tagen ) @ mailand71

Okay, fragen wir den technologischen Durchbruch der KI: "When will Borussia Mönchengladbach be German Champions again?" Ich meine, welche Frage würde man sonst stellen?

Antwort des Elektronensuperhirns: "I'm sorry, but I cannot predict the future. The outcome of future events, such as when a specific football club will become a champion, is dependent on many variables and cannot be determined with certainty."

Na toll. Wo kommt der Hype noch mal her? Neuer Versuch: "What is Bayerndusel?" Vielleicht gibts da ja auch ein Gegenmittel. Die Zukunft der Menschheit antwortet: "Bayerndusel" is a colloquial term in Germany that is used to describe a unique and positive feeling of homesickness or attachment to the state of Bavaria. It is often used to describe the sentimental attachment to the region's cultural traditions, customs, and way of life. The term can be used to express a deep love and pride for the region."

Entzückend. "Why are Borussia Dortmund the Zecken?" Weil: ""Zecken" is a nickname for Borussia Dortmund in Germany, it means "ticks" in English. The origin of this nickname is unclear, but it is thought to be related to the club's persistent and tenacious style of play, as a tick is known to cling onto its host." Na gut, immerhin bestätigt das geballte elektronische Schwarmwissen den Zeckenstatus. Gute Nacht.


Plan b, Unterpunkt 1: Alles weiter wie bisher, aber mit Arbeitskreis

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