Kulik, Samstag, 10.09.2022, 11:45 ( vor 608 Tagen ) @ AlterMann

I would like to say that I am sick and tired of the leftwing media spreading misinformation about FC Köln whenever there is a riot. They all say that the FC isn't doing enough to stop these excesses - you heard it after the small battle in Nizza, you heard it after Gladbach, you heard it after Duisburg, you heard it after Frankfurt and you heard it after the Pezzoni-hunt.
You kept hearing that the FC isn't doing enough and frankly, that's not true.
The FC has provided thoughts against violence and prayers to the victims and their families and maybe these riots would stop happening if we all thought a little bit more and prayed a little bit more. And if we give enough of these thoughts against violence and these prayers the brutality of Wilde Horde will stop. So I want to thank you FC Köln for all your thoughts and all your prayers!

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